Knowing them, respecting closed seasons and certainly, consuming them, is everyone’s responsibility.
Here, you will find those products certified sustainable or in fishery improvement projects that we have in Mexico.
More and more join every time!
What are certified
sustainable species?
It refers to species that have been subjected to an independent assessment according to international sustainability standards, to guarantee that said species are sustainable and no harm is caused on the environment. We recommend you buy products with certification labels.
Types of certifications
Fishery certifications
Aquaculture certifications
What is a Fishery Improvement
Project or FIP?
Fishing Improvement Projects are a group of organizations and persons who work to achieve sustainability in a fishery. Organizations who participate in plausible FIPs according to international standards and assessed by a third party, are considered a source of sustainable products of that fishery, since they bring about the changes to achieve their sustainability. Therefore, products are only considered sustainable when they come directly from FIP partners, and not the entire fishery.
Tipos de certificaciones
Certificaciones pesqueras
Certificaciones acuícolas
What is a purchase recommendation?
They refer to fishery and aquaculture products that are appropriately handled so that they promote wildlife and environment well-being